School Calendar

August 2013
Teacher Work Day                                     2th Friday                                CLOSED
Moving to our new class!                            5th Monday
Open House                                             8th Thursday                            5:30-6:30
First Day of Preschool                              19th Monday

Labor Day                                                2nd Monday                              CLOSED

End of 1st Session                                   11th Friday
Fall Break                                                14th-18th                             Monday-Friday
2nd Session Begins                                  21st Monday
Fall Festival Week                                    21st-25th                                Monday-Friday
Fall Festival Party                                    25th   Friday
Halloween                                                       31st                                            Thursday - We will
                                                                                                                            close at 4:30
Veterans Day                                        11th Monday                                CLOSED
Thanksgiving Holiday                             27-29th     Wednesday - We will be closing at 1:00
                                                                            Thursday-Friday           CLOSED

End of 2nd Session                                18th                                        Wednesday
Class Christmas Party                            2oth                                         Friday at 11:00
Christmas Holidays                               24th-26th  Tuesday - Thursday       CLOSED
New Year’s Eve Holiday                        31st Monday-                         We will be closing at 1:00.
January 2014                  
New Year’s Day                                      1st Wednesday                            CLOSED
3rd Session Begins                                 6th Monday
Martin Luther King                                  20th Monday                               CLOSED                 
100th Day of School                               3rd  Friday                                  Monday
Class Valentine's Party                         14th   Friday
President's Day                                    17th  Monday                                  OPEN

End of 3rd Session                                 7th Friday
4th Session Begins                               10th Monday
Spring Break                                     24th-28th Monday-Friday
Easter Egg Hunt & Party                        28th Thursday
Good Friday                                          29th Friday                                    CLOSED

Easter Egg Hunt & Party                          17th Thursday
Good Friday                                            18th Friday                                  CLOSED
2's & 3's Preschool Program                                                                          TBA
Imag-I-Motion Program                                                                                TBA

End of 4th Session                                 16th  Friday
End of the Year Party                             23rd  Friday
Memorial Day                                        26th Monday                                 CLOSED
4's Preschool Graduation                                                                              TBA