Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tips for Avoiding Illness this Winter

1. Get the flu shot – this is the first year that the US is recommending that everyone 6 months or older gets a flu shot.  For those who know they always get bad flu or for those who would be in bad shape if they got flu, the shot is still a good idea.
2. Eat Well – Food fuels the body.  It either strengthens your immune system and your body’s ability to function or it weakens it. 
3. Exercise – Depending on where you live, winter can be a time where you just want to hibernate and do nothing physical until the sun comes out again.  This is not the right approach!  No matter how hard it is, you need to maintain a good exercise regime during the winter.  This keeps your immune cells stimulated, particularly the ones that target infections.
4. Stay hydrated -  This means staying hydrated both inside and out.  If your nose tends to get dry, or if you know you’re going to be somewhere super dry, use a saline nasal spray to keep things moist.  The hair lining your nasal passages work better at keeping things out of your system when hydrated.  Also, humidity kills viruses, so if you live somewhere where there is little or no humidity, get a humidifier for your house.  Health magazine suggests keeping the humidity at about 50% and temperatures at 69 degrees F at a minimum.  Also, drink water!  You should be doing this all year round anyway.
5. Get Sleep – Anytime your body is sleep-deprived, your immune system will not be working at 100% capacity. 
6. Wash your hands – This is a fairly obvious tip, but it needs to be here.  Many people are better now about washing hands and using anti-bacterial hand sanitizers.  Beyond this, also make sure to be aware if there are lots of sneezing or coughing people near you, try to move away.  If that isn’t possible, at least try to turn away from them.  Also, try not to touch your face a lot (this is a hard one for me.)
There are numerous things that increase in prevalence during the winter months. Unfortunately, HEAD LICE is one of these dreaded things.  There are numerous indicators that your child may have head lice.  But, the most obvious sign is a child that can't stop scratching their little head.  Please reference the link below for information about head lice and how to prevent, treat, and avoid it.  

Monday, November 26, 2012

Strep Throat

Please be aware that we have had a few cases of strep throat reported from parents.  If your child complains of a sore throat, has fever, or is exhibiting any signs/symptoms of strep throat, please take the proper precautions.  Children should not attend school if they have a fever, or have had a fever within a 24 hour period. "Fever FREE" means without the use of medication to reduce their temperature.

We know that it may be inconvenient to receive a phone call from our staff that your child is not feeling well. If possible, have someone in mind that may be able to assist you in the event that you are notified that you must pick up your child.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Keeping You Informed, In A More Modern Way

Evergreen Touchstones Program strives to keep parents and family members well informed.  We enjoy parental support and involvement.  In an attempt to make things more convenient for everyone, Evergreen plans on "going paperless".

Please make sure you have emailed Ms. Michelle with your current email address and contact information.  We hope to send daily reminders, classroom updates, field trip information, etc. via email to simplify the process of keeping everyone well informed.

These days, almost everyone has an email address that they check daily, or a "smart phone" that they receive information from throughout their day. Our goal is to make things more convenient for you.  Please notify Ms. Michelle if you would rather receive the "paper" contact rather than the email version.

Thanks again for allowing us to be a part of your lives, and the lives of your children. The Evergreen Touchstones Program is truly blessed with amazing children and parents.