Friday, August 9, 2013

Registration Checklist for 2017

Children may be enrolled from 6 weeks through 5 years of age, regardless of race, creed, or religious beliefs.  The following forms are required and need to be read, completed and/or signed prior to enrollment:
1.  Parent Handbook (read)
2.  Enrollment/Registration Application (complete/sign/date)
3.  Tuition Payment Form (complete/sign)
4.  Authorization to Release Form (complete/sign)
5.  Form of Affidavit for Parent/Guardian(complete/sign/date/have notarized)
6.  Immunization Card/Blue Card must be up to date at time of enrollment (supplied from health department or pediatrician's office)

Safety First

Here at Evergreen, the safety and well-being of our children is of the highest priority.  New security codes have been assigned to parents/families in order to ensure that your children ARE safe while they are in our care.  Please only give your code to the individuals that must have it.  Remember, we do have a "doorbell" that your friends and family can utilize as well. By minimizing the number of individuals that have access to our door codes, we provide a greater level of security for our facility. 
Also, you may have noticed that the green exit button on the wall near the restrooms has been removed.  In order to comply with safety codes, we must ensure that even the smallest member of our Evergreen family can exit the building during an emergency such as a fire, etc.  We hope you are happy with the new changes, and please feel free to stop by the office if you have any questions, concerns, or comments.